Recovery from Addiction Relapse

I had been sober for about six years before I relapsed. Although an addiction program and a rehabilitation center had helped, neither had addressed the “why” behind my drinking. I’d stopped drinking again, but I was suffering from anxiety and depression and was still battling the urge to drink. I had gotten Heidi’s number from a friend and decided to give her a call to see if she could help.

At my initial session with her, Heidi was able to pinpoint emotions that I had from childhood that I had not dealt with, thus causing the inability to give, feel, or love to the fullest. Those unprocessed emotions caused depression, isolation, and numbness that had led me to start drinking again.

After just one session with Heidi, I felt like a new person. It was like a weight had been lifted off my chest.

After just one session with Heidi, I felt like a new person. It was like a weight had been lifted off my chest. My husband even observed that I could not stop smiling and that I was glowing. He had not seen that side of me for quite some time.

The impact has continued over the weeks since our first session. I’ve not felt the urge to drink and, most importantly, I consistently feel happy. I share my story to give hope to others who are battling addiction and not finding relief from others types of recovery efforts. I am thankful Heidi has been able to help me, and I am excited to continue this holistic transformation journey with her.

Contributed by April
