After childhood sexual abuse, a traumatic college experience, three beautiful boys in four years, and the murder of my father-in-law, I was done. I had nothing to give. And while I had experienced much healing through traditional counseling and story workshops, my body screamed in pain that my underlying soul and unconsciousness was anything but whole.
In August 2019, my body literally started to shut down and tell me that something was not right. Pain seared through my body. At age 30, it got so bad I could barely walk, much less get out of bed. That’s when I started down the road of working to find relief.
January was the first mention of “fibromyalgia.” I took medicines that I had allergic reactions to. I took out gluten, which seemed to help somewhat, but never stopped the pain completely. Everyone I talked to about my pain always mentioned how I needed to be patient and accept the long road ahead–years to get a diagnosis and decades of just managing the pain and symptoms. I couldn’t believe that this was my fate, that my children would grow up remembering their mother as ill and my husband being a caregiver.
I haven’t felt this good in over eight years.
In the midst of western medicine testing, I reached out to Heidi and it was a breath of fresh air. She answered my questions with confidence, something that no one else could do. It still took me a bit to say yes, but by July 2020, I was ready to give it a shot.
I couldn’t describe to you all that happened in those two hours with Heidi, but I can tell you that I left her office more whole and free than I had felt in years. It wasn’t this dramatic experience, but a quiet shift that has changed everything. I have been pain free for four months now. I stopped all of my testing and procedures. (What a relief to not deal with those medical expenses!) My husband and boys have their mama back. I can exercise when I want to, not because my body screams in anxiety that it needs the endorphin release. Experiences that used to stress me and hold me captive just don’t anymore.
I told one person, “I haven’t felt this good in over eight years.” I am so thankful for the work of Heidi. I count it a blessing that I found her when I did and was spared a long road of pain and difficulty. I can’t recommend connecting with Heidi enough!