My husband and I have wanted a baby since we got married three years ago in 2017. We actually conceived during the honeymoon but unfortunately, I had an early-stage miscarriage. I thought I would have no problem conceiving again, but after months of no results we did what everyone my age did–37 at the time–we consulted a fertility specialist. And so the rollercoaster of hormones for IUIs started and when that didn’t work, we moved on to IVF.
For two years we rode that rollercoaster with no results. My body and our bank account were depleted. After the second failed IVF cycle in early 2019, I decided to take a break and focus on taking care of my body, mind, and soul. Heidi was my mentor when we worked together many moons ago in the corporate world, so we stayed in touch via Facebook. I was curious about her practice and knowing how smart she is from our time working together, I decided to reach out to her to see if she had any advice.
Heidi was so responsive and understanding and we immediately got to work together. First we removed toxins and replaced products from our home, body care, etc. Heidi talked me through it. Next, we asked what did my diet look like? And how was my body absorbing nutrients? I did a 24-hour urine analysis and by analyzing the results Heidi discovered that even though my diet was good (meaning I was eating enough protein and fats) my body was doing a poor job of absorbing fats which are so crucial for conception.
Within three months of taking the enzymes, my husband and I conceived naturally!
Heidi recommended digestive enzymes that would help me better digest and absorb fats. I noticed a change in my menstrual cycle right away. Within a month of taking the enzymes, my period–which had been shortening in length–resumed back to its normal duration. What I noticed the most was my energy and how well I felt even on the first day of my period. Usually, the first day meant I would be mostly knocked out and on the couch, but with the enzymes, I even worked out that day to my surprise.
Within three months of taking the enzymes, my husband and I conceived naturally! And to think that we were about to undertake the third round of IVF, this time at one of the best clinics in the country located in Colorado. I was actually waiting for my period to start so we could schedule the cycle but it never came! We joke that this baby saved us $35K and earned his college tuition right off the bat, and he also saved me from having to put my body through another cycle of hormones. Instead, I’ve had a very healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby on the way.
So here I am, just turned 40 years old a few months ago, and I am 36 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby boy as I type this. I am beyond grateful to Heidi for helping me detox and mostly for introducing me to the digestive enzymes which I believe played a part in helping us conceive naturally. I didn’t know if this would happen for us and I am beyond grateful every day and excited to welcome our little one soon!